Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Easy alternatives

People are mostly off put by going vegetarian by the thoughts that it will be hard and you wont be able to eat anything. WRONG! You can eat anything, but meat. I can eat breads, pastas, vegetables, fruits, starches, junk food, almost anything! My favorite is veggie tacos which is literally just ground up tofu that is in a taco shell. It tastes almost the exact same (and better in my opinion) Instead of normal cheeseburgers you can eat veggie burgers! You cant tell the difference. You dont have to sacrifice the things you love to help animals. You can eat what you want and still be unsupportive of the cruelty that goes on in these dirty facilities.

veggie pizza

These are the tofu crumbles i had mentioned above. 

Animal Shelters

Each year 6-8 million dogs and cats are put into shelters for multiple reasons. They could be homeless, sick or just plain lost. These dogs are put into cages and given a temporary home until they can find a home. With the amount of dogs being bred and lost or homeless the shelters just cant keep up anymore. To have room for newer animals the Shelters have started to put dogs to sleep to leave room for the more "adoptable" ones. This is a process called to Euthanize. This is why it is extremely important to buy from shelters and not breeders. You are ultimately saving lives and giving a dog a second chance. 

Technology Saving Animals

With all the prior blogs i have done, you have found out so much about how animals feel real emotions just like humans do. They are able to mourn and, be extremely happy as well as extremely sad. From my own experience going to the Omaha zoo I learned some interesting things myself about how animals behave. When i went to the Omaha zoo i was so eager to try and find the elephants. To my disappointment there were no elephants. I was sad until I read a sign that said that one of the elephants, named Shenga, had moved to the Cleveland Zoo after the death of her mate Maliaka. Shenga went into a deep depression so the Omaha Zoo made a very hard decision to send Shenga to the Cleveland Zoo to be among the other two elephants they have there. Much like elephants, Pandas are also very sensitive animals. A panda named Silja was one of the animals saved by the horrible earthquake in Wenchuan, China. She was sent to the Yunnan Wild Animal Park and quickly grew very bored. The experts working with her noticed her starting to get depressed so they bought her a plasma screen tv and played played pictures of pandas to make her feel less lonely. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

This is what youre putting inside your body!

Not only does it kill animals in the process, but eating some meats can cause colon cancer. A study once had 478,000 men who were cancer free eat a lot of red meat. After their diet there was a 28% increasing developing colon cancer. These studies are shocking yet most people think red meat is just safe. Its not and that's the harsh truth. Red meat is a lot harder to digest as well and is just not a good choice when compared to healthier alternative options. 

Chicken Food Industries

As i said in my first blog post so many chickens are killed each day. They are thrown around, suffocated and injured. Workers are completely inhumane about the way they handle the animals. They're sorted through and thrown onto a conveyor belt without the people even thinking about the well-being of the chickens. Chickens that are defective and "useless"  because of not being able to reproduce are thrown into a grinder to be grinded up and thrown away. So males, If you were a baby chick in an egg industry you would be grinded up alive just because you're a male and females who are fine get their beaks cut off with a laser.

Animal testing

Testing animals has become something that has become very common in the beauty industry and for medical purposes. Apparently burning a rabbits face off is less important than finding your perfect shade of foundation. Its such an ignorant selfish situation. Just because animals cant express their feelings verbally people suddenly think its okay to take advantage of animals. Believe it or not, but animals actually DO have feelings and they CAN feel pain just like we can. Being a mammal myself i feel it is my responsibility to speak for those who cannot. You can help too by boycotting brands that test their products on animals. Im almost positive that you will find an even better vegan facial cleanser. Animal testing must end.

Here is a video of just some of the things that happen to animals in a testing facility

Entertainment purposes

Animals all over the world are being used in circuses, races and rides. I remember as a kid thinking the circus was so amazing. I never knew that you could get animals to do such amazing things. Growing up I have realized how wrong the entertainment industry actually is and to get animals to do such tricks it requires a lot of beating and binding animals to intimidate them into doing what the trainer wants them to do. Elephants in the circus are beaten by bull hooks they are sharp curved poles that are stuck into the skin to harm the elephant if it does not do what is expected. They are bound at the ankles with chains when they are very little to get them to be submissive and calm.